Preparation for Confirmation and Reception into the Church
In the course of their Christian development, those baptized at an early age are expected, when they are ready and have been duly prepared, to make a mature, public affirmation of their faith and commitment to the responsibilities of their Baptism and to receive the laying on of hands by the bishop. — Book of Common Prayer 1979, p. 412
In confirmation, young people or adults reaffirm the vows made at their Baptism and they receive the laying on of hands by the Bishop, confirming God's gift of the Holy Spirit and recognizing a mature commitment to the faith of the Church. Those who come to Trinity from other Christian denominations, and who have already been baptized and confirmed, may wish to be received into the Episcopal Church and welcomed by the Bishop.
Each year the rector organizes a series of discussions to prepare candidates for confirmation or reception into the Church. The discussion generally covers topics ranging from how we read the Bible to church history to talking about the personal histories of those participating in the group. Classes are typically offered during the time between Epiphany and Easter, leading to confirmation or reception close to Easter.