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Lay Leadership

Diocesan canons and the parish bylaws guide the way in which the laity of Trinity take part in decisions at the parish and diocesan levels. Each year, the eligible voters of the parish elect members to Vestry and representatives to the Diocesan Convention and the Valley Forge Deanery.

​The Vestry

The vestry of Trinity is the elected body of lay leadership. By church law it is entrusted with the oversight of the general affairs of the parish. In practice, it serves as a council of leadership and advice, sharing the ministry of leadership with the rector. The vestry normally meets on the third Tuesday of most months. Vestry elections are held every year, and a normal term for a vestry member is three years.

2024 Vestry

Anne Trumpler (Rector's Warden)

Rick Braendle (Accounting Warden)

Lorna Nixon

Nicole Cohen

Barbara Linnenbaugh

Linda Nosser

Bill McGary

Diocesan Convention Delegates
Marty Trumpler
Dick Stacy
Nicole Cohen

Alternate Convention Delegate
Beverly Loftus

Deanery Delegat
Marty Trumpler

Lorna Nixon

Contact the Vestry

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